What to do and see in Prato


In the historic center of Prato very interesting is Emperor’s Castle, testimony of Swabian architecture unique in central and northern, the Duomo, which houses inside the venerated relic of the Sacred Belt of the Madonna and the frescoes by Filippo Lippi Recently restored. On the facade of the cathedral you can ad-mire the pulpit of Donatello and Michelozzo, used for the monstrance of the Sacred Belt of the Madonna. Among other tourist attractions there are Datini Palace, Praetorian Palace, the Basilica of St. Mary of the Prisons and the chur-ches of St. Francis and St. Dominic not to mention the museums of Mural Pain-ting Museum, the Museum of Planetary Sciences recently institution and the Opera Museum of the Duomo, which houses works by great masters such as Agnolo Gaddi, Paolo Uccello, Filippo and Filippino Lippi, Donatello, Miche-lozzo and other famous artists of the fourteenth century and the Renaissance. Very interesting is the Textile Museum, expression of textile history of the town, which houses samples of fabrics from the fifth century to the present day, with objects, machines of the old wool processing. You can also visit the Cen-ter for Contemporary Art “Luigi Pecci”, which contains an important permanent collection and consists of works by major artists of the past 30 years, and the Museum and Documentation Center of the deportation and the resistance of Figline, place of memory to recall what happened in the concentration camps and the Nazi extermination. In the rest of the province there are the necropolis and remains Etruscan in Comeana and Artimino, recent excavations of Gonfien-ti, Romanesque churches scattered in Carmignanese as the Church of San Mi-chele and Francesco Carmignano with Pontormo’s Visitation, ancient Badie in Val di Bisenzio; the medieval villages and the splendid Medici Villas.

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