What to do and see in Vicenza


Vicenza has been enriched by one of the greatest architects of the Renaissance who Left the sign in the urban setting between palaces, villas and gardens, included in 1994 UNESCO among the World Heritage of Humanity. Works of Palladio are visible starting from the historic center of the capital, in Piazza dei Signori, dominated by Palladio’s Basilica for which the Great architect realized the double order of porches and balconies, and from the Loggia del Capitano. Always of Palladio, there are Chiericati Palace, home of the Art Gallery and Museum, and the Olympic theatre is still used today for some cultural events. The artist is well known also for the famous Venetian villas, including Villa Almerico Capra called “La Rotonda”, whose interior and decorated with splendid frescoes and fine stucco and Villa Valmarana “ai Nani”, characterized by 17 stone statues of dwarfs today laid out on the enclosure wall and rich with lively frescoes by Giambattista and Giandomenico Tiepolo , the other big names who have contributed to the artistic beauty of Vicenza. Their works are visible in the Pinacoteca of Palazzo Chiericati, the Church of St. Stephen, the Church of SS. Vito and the famous Villa Lombardi Cordellina Montecchio Maggiore. Nearby Vicenza there is Marostica, where Piazza Castello makes a beautiful setting at the game of human chess Bassano del Grappa, famous for the distillation of grappa, dove STARTS the Vicenza mountains, theater MANY crucial episodes of World War I; On top of their Grappa FIND ossuary What holds 12.615 Fallen of the Great War, largely unknown. Even the city of Asiago, famous for its namesake mountain cheese, for USA Remote location and Strategic Has Been protagonist of bloody clashes during the First World War.

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