What to drink and eat in Imperia


Ligurian cuisine is similarity throughout the region, ruled by herbs, excellent olive olives and products of sea and land. In Imperia there are some dishes to be enjoyed such as “sardenaira”, sort of flat bread topped with raw tomato sauce, garlic, salted capers, olives, oregano and fresh sardines, the “barbagiuai” fried ravioli stuffed with pumpkin and cheese “brusso” (traditional fermented cheese), the “brandacujun”, typical dish made with potatoes and cod, all boiled and seasoned with olive oil, lemon juice and pepper, and then the whole thing is “brandato” or shaken vigorously to mix everything up. Simple but tasty sweets made with chestnut flour or with honey and hazelnuts, but also fried in oil and fragrant aromas healthy. Among the wines to be reported “Ormeasco Pornassio” and Ligurian Vermentino.

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