What to do and see in Pistoia


The city of Pistoia is rich in monuments. Its historic center, is characterized by churches, palaces and art treasures that are scattered among medieval alleys and irregular squares, bringing out an amazing city with a discreet charm. The Piazza del Duomo, for centuries the center of both the civil power and eccle-sial, includes buildings of great artistic importance, such as the Cathedral, de-dicated to San Zeno, with Romanesque facade. Next to the Cathedral there is the Bell Tower, and the fourteenth-century Baptistery, in Gothic style, deco-rated in white and green marble of Prato. Among other interesting buildings there is the former Bishop’s Palace, with a porch on the first floor in the Gothic style and the Praetorian Palace, again in Gothic style, but expanded in the nineteenth century. In the historic area of the Hospital “del Ceppo”, you can visit the museum of surgical instruments, the anatomical room and the famous “Della Robbia” frieze with the seven works of mercy. Worth mentioning are still the church of San Giovanni Forcivitas; the church of Our Lady of Humility, crowned with an octagonal dome by Vasari; the church of Santa Maria delle Grazie, and the Fortezza Medici of Santa Bar-bara, built in the sixteenth century by the Florentines. In the rest of the Province you can visit Pescia, a medieval town where you can admire Porta Fiorentina with the Cathedral, rebuilt in the seventeenth century and the Church of San Giuliano. Near the cathedral, the Cloister of the Semi-nary and the Oratory Church of St. Anthony Abbot. And yet, the Civic Museum and the Gipsoteca Libero Andreotti. Who is in search of total relaxation and prefers thermal environments we re-commend a visit to the centers of Montecatini Terme and Monsummano Terme.

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