What to drink and eat in Oristano


The cuisine of this area is very varied and diverse starting from cheeses meats roasted up to seafood dishes. Among the fish dishes are those made up in Cabras with bream sea bass and eel; excellent is the caviar of ancient Sardinian tradition that you can eat grated on spaghetti. As in the rest of the island also different types of bread accompany meals as “Coccoi” snail-shaped; the “Costeddas”, obtained from durum wheat semolina with a hole in the center and the bread “carasau”. Very good are the “culurjonis”, ravioli in different variants: ricotta and chard, cheese or potatoes and saffron; “Malloreddus”, gnocchi of semolina pasta topped with spinach, beets, eggs and panna. The typical dishes of the city are the meat of sheep and goats; hen with myrtle, cooked with herbs and myrtle branches and “Su ghisau”, a stew of various meats. For dessert you can taste the “mustazzolus”, biscuits made with wheat flour, yeast and sugar, covered with icing; the “zippole”, long pancakes of Carnival Oristano. The typical wine is Vernaccia di Oristano; among others segnialiamo, Nuragus, Vermentino, Sangiovese, Semidano, Moscato and Bovale, Malvasia and the various types of local brandy as the “Filu Ferro”.

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