The culinary tradition of this province joins Trieste dishes typically those with Giuliani, both sea and land. A leading role has the polenta cornmeal cooked in different ways: in omelettes, baked, in addition to soups and in many other ways. Excellent products are prosciutto di San Daniele and to Sauris. Among the dishes of fish, is outstanding fish soup, typical of Marano. While north prevail meat and potato soup and beans. The “cjalzons” are ravioli stuffed with cheese, eggs and vegetables. And yet, to try are the wild boar with polenta, venison stew, noodles with hare sauce. For dessert we find the sweet typical of the region, “gubana” a millefeuille with walnuts, liqueur and spices. Excellent and famous wines such as Merlot, Cabernet, Pinot Grigio, Chardonnay and the rare Picolit.