Casentino Forest National Park

Parco Nazionale foreste Casentinesi

Between Romagna, the Casentino area and the Mugello extends a large protected area, including woods and forests that are among the largest and best preserved in Italy, as well as flora and fauna of great interest. In Romagna there is the mountain portion of the valleys of the Montone, of Rabbi, of Bidente and of Tramazzo; the Tuscan area includes a small part of the mountainous Mugello and the Casentino, the high Arno valley, the sources of which are located on the southern slopes of the Mount Falterona. Always on the Tuscan side, the protected area stretches to east to the Mount Penna with the famous Sanctuary of the Verna. Numerous silver firs, beeches columnar and the chestnut trees, as well as maples, elms and ash trees protecting a very thick undergrowth where there are more than 1,000 species of flowers, including rare orchids. The park’s main characters are the deer and the wolf; of the first one there are about a thousand copies; of the second one about 40 specimens, perhaps the highest density in the European protected area. In the park also live deers, roe deers and wild boars as well as badgers, martens, polecats, weasels and wild cats. Among the birds of prey there are the goshawk and the buzzard. Inside the park there is the Hermitage of Camaldoli, a monastery dating back to 1012 surrounded by thick fir forest, which houses a valuable library and a church full of Baroque art style.



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