Villa Adriana

Villa Adriana in Tivoli is the most imposing Roman imperial villa, the construction was started by Emperor Hadrian (from 117 A.D.). Largest of Pompeii, included about thirty buildings with parks, gardens, lakes and fountains. Sacked by Totila (544 A.D.) and then forgotten, it became a building material quarry to be reused in the homes of Tivoli. In 1450 the Villa was rediscovered by Flavio Biondo who, with the help of Pope Pius II Piccolomini, start diggings that in five centuries, brought to light statues, marble and mosaics, now preserved in the museums around the world. Its buildings are distributed on artificial terraces at different levels, each of which was surrounded by walls and guarded with paths obliged to switch from terrace to terrace. The lowest is the current entrance, from where you climb to the Greek Theatre, the Gymnasium, to the Ninfeo Fede and the Terrace of Tempe, and then to the Terraces of Libraries. You reach the esplanade of Pecile. Finally, the levels of the Golden Square and the Peschiera Palace. After Pecile there is the ancient entrance leading to the vestibule and the Baths, all on the same level and at the foot of the hill the Esplanade of Praetorian and the Accademia Esplanade.



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