What to drink and eat in Parma


Are famous worldwide wine and food products that characterize this province, so much that it has become the seat of the European Food Safety Authority. Known as the Food Valley of Italy, his name is linked to two main excellence of Italian cuisine: the Parmigiano Reggiano and Prosciutto di Parma. As a first course can not miss the cappelletti or anolini in beef broth and capon, tortelli with herbs. While, as far as the latter there are tripe and stew with polenta, in addition to boiled meats accompanied by tasty sauces. Among others tipical dishes, stand out culatello of Zibello, Felino salami, shoulder of San Secondo, the fungus of Albareto and Borgotaro. For the sweet tooth we recommend the rice cake, almond cake, spongata, pasta stuffed with honey, walnuts and candied. Excellent DOC wines like white Malvasia and Sauvignon and the red hills of Parma.

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