The island of Dino is an enchanting island located along the north-western coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea, opposite the town of Praia a Mare, in...
The island of Cirella
The island of Cirella, a jewel located along the northwest coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea in front of the city of Diamante, is a charming...
The sfogliatella, a Neapolitan delight
Sweet typical pastry bell, rich and fragrant, is proposed in two versions: the Riccia sfogliatella, the primigenia and original triangular shape, formed by crisp layers...
Easter 2023 in Naples: the places not to be missed!
Easter 2023 in Naples! There are many Naples: noisy, underground, culinary (by the way, find out what to eat and drink in Naples), maradoniana but...
Easter 2023 in Rome: 5 places to see without being noticed.
Easter 2023 in Rome? Why not? Today we talk about a less conspicuous Rome: here is an itinerary in the less known city, more secluded,...
Easter 2023 in Florence: 5 unmissable places to see
Easter 2023 in Florence. Easter holidays are approaching and Florence is one of the most popular cities of art: why not spend it there? GO-ON-ITALY...