The Lombards in Italy. Places of power.

Los Lombardos en Italia. Los sitios de poder.

Are architectural relics, paintings and sculptures of the period between 568 A.D., when Alboin, king of Lombards, began the conquest of the Peninsula and 774 A.D., the year in which they were defeated by Charlemagne. The Places of Power of the Lombards in Italy include seven locations for the storage the artwork of the Lombard era. Cividale del Friuli, is included in the so-called “area of Gastaldaga” with the Lombard Temple and the “Episcopal Complex” which includes the remains of the Patriarchal Palace underlying the National Archaeological Museum. The Monastic Complex of Santa Giulia is located in Brescia with the Basilica of San Salvatore, one of the best examples of late medieval religious architecture. In Castelseprio there is the area of the Castrum, Roman military outpost, was later transformed into a place of prayer. At Spoleto (Perugia) is the Basilica of San Salvatore, a sacred architectural masterpiece. While, also in the province of Perugia, in Campello sul Clitunno, is the Temple of Clitunno, a small church dedicated to San Salvatore. Finally, in Benevento, which housed the most important Lombard duchy of central and southern Italy there is the monumental Complex of Santa Sofia, and of the homonymous church, founded by Duke Arechi II around 760. Finally in the Apulia region we can find the San Michele Arcangelo Sanctuary in Monte Sant’Angelo.



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