What to do and see in Padua


Provincial capital, Padua, was founded over 3000 years ago in a bend of the River Brenta. Many visitors are attracted by the artistic masterpieces that the city holds, to start by the enormous concentration of frescoes of Giotto, Giusto, Mantegna, Guariento and Altichiero, that have enriched numerous palaces and churches. Many paintings are stored in the Gallery of the Municipal Museum of the Eremitani. The most famous monument of Padua is undoubtedly the Scrovegni Chapel, located inside the garden of the Arena. True concentration of art is then in the many squares scattered throughout the city as Piazza delle Erbe and Piazza dei Frutti, which overlooks one of the symbols of Padua, Palazzo della Ragione said the “Salon”, which dates from the beginning in 1200. Nearby is the Piazza dei Signori, elegant Renaissance square, surrounded by the Church of St. Clement, the Palazzo del Capitanio and the imposing tower, designed in the fourteenth century. You can anche visit Piazza del Duomo with the Cathedral and the old Baptistery dedicated to St. John the Baptist, entirely decorated by a splendid series of frescoes by Giusto de ‘Menabuoi. Near, there is the Bishop’s Palace in 2000 became the seat of the Diocesan Museum where you can see beautiful works of art and the majestic Hall of Bishops. The famous Caffè Pedrocchi was born in the early nineteenth century, which is located in front of Palazzo Bo, home of the prestigious University of Padua, the second oldest in Italy, where he also taught the great Galileo Galilei. Among the heritage of humanity it was included the oldest botanical garden in the world, founded in the times for the cultivation and study of medicinal plants and where, inside there is the Church of the Hermits. Finally, in Piazza del Santo, in addition to the monument to Gattamelata, which is among the greatest masterpieces of the Renaissance and dedicated to Gattamelata by Donatello, there is the majestic Basilica of St. Anthony, dedicated to the patron of the city. In the rest of the province you can admire numerous Venetian villas like Villa Contarini, the largest and most spectacular of the region; Villa Emo Capodilista Villa Barbarigo Ardemani, immersed in a spectacular garden vintage; the villa-fortress Catajo; Villa Cornaro and Villa Pisani, inserted between the Palladian villas Heritage Sites. While, between the picturesque towns you can visit Citadel, surrounded by mighty walls with 32 towers; Monselice, with its imposing fortress that dominates the entire surrounding area; Este with the Carraresi Castle and Montagnana, with the Castle of San Zeno and the Fortress of the Trees.

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