What to drink and eat in Trapani


The cuisine of the province of Trapani is mostly based both on sea products, an example is the famousfish couscous, both on the products of the earth, like the “pasta cu l’agghia” (pesto of Trapani made with garlic, almonds and basil). Among the products of the sea perhaps the most valuable is the tuna and the swordfish that are processed and stored under oil and also smoked, or the “bottarga di tonno” (tuna’s roe). The cakes have always considerable importance; the inevitable cannoli with ricotta or cassata prepared in various ways depending on the town in which you are located. Added to this are the “mustazzoli” of Erice prepared with almond paste and the “frutta Martorana“, sweets prepared with marzipan to which is given the form of various fruits. Considerable importance is the production of olive oil including excels the oil Valleys Trapanesi DOP. A particular product area is the sea salt that is produced on the coast of Trapani and boasting the IGP. Very important to the production of wine, this province is the largest producer of wine in Italy. On all stands certainly the Marsala DOC, fortified wine of ancient origins. It should be added: the Passito and Moscato of Pantelleria DOC, the Alcamo DOC, the Zibibbo DOCand the Nero d’Avola DOC.

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