What to drink and eat in Lodi


The cuisine is mainly characterized by dairy production: many recipes are based on the use of local cheeses and butter. The most famous is the mascarpone, but also the Pannerone, the Granone Lodi, cheese flavor now increasingly rare to find, the Raspadura, Gorgonzola and Stracchino. Among the appetizers there are omelettes cooked in many ways, including “cun the urtis” with asparagus, “en carpion” marinade with fried onions and soaked in water and vinegar. Other specialties of the gastronomy of Lodi are rice with sausage, fried polenta, the hare pie and pigeon. Typical of the feast of the patron saint, San Bassiano on January 19, is the buseca, tripe cooked in large cauldrons with bacon, vegetables (carrots, celery and onions), beans, butter and meat broth. Excellent are the “Pulenta pastissada”, made with tomato sauce, ground beef, butter, and ratatouille, made from vegetables to be served also with polenta. Among the desserts very good are the Tortionata, a crumbly cake with almonds and butter with ancient origins, the “paschal lamb” pastry stuffed with cream, the “cannoli of Lodi” with mascarpone cheese and cookies of Codogno. The San Colombano is a DOC wine in the province of Lodi.

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